Arkansas State University - Newport

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Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

With the goal of an inclusive learning and working environment, we seek to promote an appreciation for diversity, advocate for equitable practices and policies, and achieve a sense of belonging for all university constituents. This will be accomplished through various DEI trainings, cultural programming, and a commitment to engage in ongoing initiatives.

ASUN Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Plan

Purpose Statement: To Transform the ASUN culture so that every member of the community feels accepted, appreciated, included and empowered.

Goal: To identify, celebrate, advocate, and respect equality. (I.C.A.R.E.) 

ASUN-Newport's I-CARE Sticker

What is Diversity? Refers to all aspects of human differences.   These may include, but are not limited to, social identities and social groups, including race, ethnicity, creed, color, sex, gender, gender identity, sexual identity, socioeconomic status, language, culture, national origin, religion/spirituality, age, (dis)ability, military/veteran status, political perspective and associational preferences.

What is Equity? Refers to a form of inclusion that afford individuals equal access to resources and opportunities specific to their unique needs necessary to be successful. 

What is Inclusion? Refers to a community where all members are and feel respected; have a sense of belonging; and can participate and achieve their potential.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Statement of Support
Arkansas State University-Newport is intentional about creating a supportive environment where everyone is treated fairly and with respect; one where all have equal access to resources and opportunities specific to their unique needs and one where individuals feel they are valued, respected and belong. 

It is our intent that all faculty, staff and students from diverse backgrounds and perspectives be well served by this institution, while ensuring that students’ learning needs be addressed both in and out of the classroom while the diversity that faculty, staff and students bring to our learning communities be viewed as a resource, strength and benefit. 

It is the aim of ASU-Newport to present materials and activities that are consistently respectful of diversity as this emphasis is fundamental to building and maintaining an equitable and inclusive campus community where each person represents an equal and valued member.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Services:

  • Cultural Awareness Campus Programs
  • Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Training Workshops
  • Multicultural Community Service Support
  • Leadership and Self-Development Seminars (Virtual or In-Person)
  • Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Resources

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