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Prison Education

At ASU-Newport, we're breaking down barriers to build brighter futures. Students in our Prison Education program are taking the first step towards a new beginning. Because everyone deserves a second chance to soar!

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Transform Your Future: ASUN's Prison Education Program

At Arkansas State University-Newport (ASUN), we believe in the power of education to transform lives, regardless of the walls that surround you. Our Prison Education program brings quality courses to the Grimes and McPherson Units in Newport, Arkansas, making us one of the 63 trailblazing colleges across 26 states participating in the Second-Chance Pell initiative. This program provides need-based Pell Grants to incarcerated individuals in state or federal prisons, offering them a shot at a brighter future.

Why does this matter? Well, it's not just about earning a certificate or degree—it's about creating opportunities for a fresh start. Education is proven to reduce recidivism rates, increase employability, and even enhance safety within correctional facilities. Now, that’s what we call a win-win!


The reduction in recidivism rates among incarcerated individuals who participate in educational programs.


The increase in employment opportunities post-release for those who complete education while incarcerated.


The potential decrease in disciplinary incidents within prisons where educational programs are offered.

It's Time for Second Chances

Explore the pathways we offer, including an Associate of Arts in General Education, a Certificate of General Studies, and a Certificate of Proficiency in Welding. These programs are designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills needed to succeed both inside and outside of prison walls.

Ready to learn more? Click here to discover the Second-Chance Pell program.

With ASUN's Prison Education Program, it's not just about second chances—it's about seizing them with both hands. Let's break barriers together!

Tonya Gates

Tonya Gates

Director of Prison Education Program Engagement/Assistant Professor of Psychology

Campus: Newport

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