Campus Safety
ASU-Newport prioritizes your safety with dedicated campus security and advanced systems.

In an on-campus emergency, call the appropriate Campus Police Office:
Newport: (870) 512-7866
Jonesboro: (870) 680-8950
Marked Tree: (870) 358-8633
Mission Statement
The mission of Campus Police is to enhance the safety of the members of the ASUN community and the security of all of the campus’ facilities.
The department enforces institutional policies and municipal and state laws in support of the academic mission. Providing professional safety and security services to the academic community, through visibility and education while promoting personal responsibility. Educating the ASUN community on safety and security issues is one of the department’s most important responsibilities.
About Us
The Campus Police Department provides a safe, secure environment that will maximize the educational growth and development of its students and foster productive cooperation among its constituents. Other populace we serve are faculty, staff, and visitors. The enforcement of these laws is tempered with an educational philosophy that supports the mission, goals, and objectives of the university.
Below are just some of the services we offer:
- Campus Patrol
- Parking/Traffic Enforcement
- Emergency Response
- Accident Investigation
- Safety Training
- Compliance and Security Reporting
- Nightly Escort Service
Never walk alone at night if at all possible. If you absolutely have to walk alone, walk on well-lit walkways and plan your route ahead of time. It is best to walk facing traffic. Ask for assistance from the Campus Police Department, if you are frightened or concerned.
Emergency Alert System
ASU-Newport’s (ASUN) has chosen Rave Mobile Systems as the emergency notification provider. This system allows college officials to send news, alerts, and instructions simultaneously to the ASUN community using landline phones, text messaging, e-mail and voice messages. This notification system provides the college an immediate way to notify individuals through multiple points of contact.
All students are automatically enrolled in the emergency notification system upon enrolling for courses. Students may request to be taken out of the emergency notification system by requesting to be taken out of the notification list through ASUN’s I.T. department. (Email to request to be removed from the emergency notification system) All Faculty and Staff are enrolled in the system during their on-boarding process for ASUN through Human Resources.
Rave Alert- Campus-wide notification that goes out to everyone during times of an emergency or inclement weather.
Rave Panic Button- (for faculty and staff only) is tied into the Smart911 system and provides an additional service for your protection. Panic Button is an app that you download to your phone in your app. store, that gives all faculty and staff the ability to request additional campus support through the Staff Assist function as well as requesting support for Active Shooter, Fire, Medical Assistance and Police.
Annual Disclosure of Crime Statistics
Arkansas State University-Newport’s Annual Security Report is provided to both current and prospective students and employees on an annual basis as part of the College’s commitment to the safety and well-being of the ASUN community. The crime statistics are also available upon request to all applicants for enrollment or employment.
Campus Police is the office designated to ensure that ASUN’s security policies are actively implemented as prescribed. Campus Police prepare this report in compliance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Crime Statistics Act. A copy of this report may be obtained by contacting Campus Police at 870-512-7866 or clicking on the link below.
View Crime 2024 Statistics Report
View Crime 2023 Statistics Report
View Crime 2022 Statistics Report
View Crime 2021 Statistics Report
View Crime 2020 Statistics Report
View Crime 2019 Statistics Report
View Crime 2018 Statistics Report
View Crime 2017 Statistics Report
View Crime 2016 Statistics Report
View Crime 2015 Statistics Report
View Crime 2014 Statistics Report
Student Right to Know and Campus Security Act of 1990
On November 8, 1990, President Bush signed the “Student Right to Know and Campus Security Act of 1990″. The Act applies to every institution of higher education that receives federal financial aid. Title II of the Act was known as the “Campus Crime Awareness and Campus Security Act of 1990″. It requires institutions of higher education to distribute to all current students and employees, and applicants for enrollment or employment, two types of information: (1) Descriptions of policies related to campus security, and (2) Statistics concerning specific types of crimes. Amendments enacted in 1998 renamed Title II, which is now known as the “Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act”. The amendments require the disclosure of crimes that are reported to police and campus officials other than police, along with a breakdown of locations of criminal activity to be specified as on-campus, non-campus, residence hall or public property.
Weapons Policy
No person shall possess, discharge or otherwise use a weapon on any ASUN campus, office, building or event. Read the full weapons policy here.
Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act
The Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act (section 1601) and {(42 U.S.C. 14071j and 20 U.S.C., 1092 (f) (1) (l)} is a federal law enacted on October 29, 2000, which provides for the tracking of convicted sex offenders enrolled at or employed by institutions of higher education. This federal law requires sex offenders who are required by law to register in a state, to also provide notice of each institution of higher education in that State where the person is employed, carries on a vocation, or is a student. This law further requires that institutions of higher education issue a statement advising the campus community of the availability of this information.
Laura's Law
Law enforcement agencies responding to crime incidents are required by Arkansas’s
Victim’s Bill of Rights outlined in the Arkansas Victim Rights Act of 1997 and Laura’s
Card Act 873 to inform victims in writing of their victim’s rights. Officers must
inform victims of the availability of services: medical, housing, counseling, financial,
social, legal, and emergency services. In addition, officers MUST inform victims about
how to obtain orders of protection, how to access public records related to the case,
and about the Arkansas Crime Victims Reparations Board (including the address and
phone number).
The ASU-Newport Campus Police maintains a copy of Laura's Card online.
Law Enforcement Links
State Police
AR Crime Info Center
Sex Offender Registry
AR Commission on Law Enforcement Standards & Training
Clery Center for Security on Campus