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Criminal Justice



The Lieutenant Patrick Weatherford Criminal Justice program at ASU-Newport provides coursework and credentials for students desiring a career in the criminal justice field. The program was named in the Fall of 2017 in honor of Lieutenant Patrick Weatherford. Lieutenant Weatherford was a 15-year veteran of the Newport Police Department and a distinguished alumni of ASU-Newport who was killed in the line of duty in June of 2017.  As exemplified by the legacy of Lieutenant Weatherford, the Criminal Justice Program seeks to provide the highest quality and standard for our students.

Currently, the program culminates in an Associate of Science degree in Criminal Justice. The courses in the program are delivered both online and in the traditional classroom to fully meet the needs of today's diverse student population. Students who complete a degree in Criminal Justice have the ability to be employed in law enforcement, corrections and many related fields.  Additionally, the Associate of Science in Criminal Justice is fully transferable to several 4-year Bachelor degree programs in the state through 2+2 articulation agreements. This allows our students to complete their first two years at ASUN and seamlessly transfer to a program with one of our many college and university partners.

Certificate of Proficiency


The Certificate of Proficiency in Corrections provides an introduction to the correctional system and the management of incarcerated individuals.

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Associate of Applied Science

Crime Scene Investigation

The Associate of Applied Science in Crime Scene Investigation provides advanced training in forensic science techniques used to investigate crime scenes.

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Certificate of Proficiency

Crime Scene Investigation

The Certificate of Proficiency in Crime Scene Investigation provides training in the fundamental techniques used in forensic science and crime scene analysis.

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Technical Certificate

Crime Scene Investigation

The Technical Certificate in Crime Scene Investigation provides comprehensive training in forensic techniques and crime scene analysis.

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Associate of Science

Criminal Justice

The Associate of Science in Criminal Justice offers a comprehensive education in the principles and practices of the criminal justice system.

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Technical Certificate

Criminal Justice

The Technical Certificate in Criminal Justice offers an in-depth study of criminal justice systems and procedures.

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Certificate of Proficiency

Criminal Justice

The Certificate of Proficiency in Criminal Justice offers an introduction to the field of criminal justice, covering fundamental concepts and systems.

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Associate of Applied Science

Law Enforcement Administration

The Associate of Applied Science in Law Enforcement Administration provides a comprehensive education in the management and leadership aspects of law enforcement.

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Technical Certificate

Law Enforcement Administration

The Technical Certificate in Law Enforcement Administration provides advanced training in law enforcement leadership and management.

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Certificate of Proficiency

Law Enforcement Administration

The Certificate of Proficiency in Law Enforcement Administration focuses on developing the leadership and administrative skills needed in law enforcement agencies.

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